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Get a kitchen respray from our Manchester company

by | Mar 11, 2022 | Revitalize Blog

People who leave Manchester and return after a 20 year absence are often pleasantly surprised by how much it’s changed – and largely for the better.  The Arndale Centre was once a fairly grim experience but it has changed to be unrecognisable from its 80s past. Same with so many other parts of the city – like Ancoats and the Northern Quarter. If you cast your minds back, these were once filled with decaying, industrial and retail buildings, wholesalers, derelict mill buildings but now the NQ and Ancoats are arguably the most expensive and desirable parts of the city centre.

With tens of thousands of students, two high flying Premier League clubs and a cultural scene that is growing daily, Manchester is a great place we call home and work in. 

Manchester has changed massively 

We’re not entirely sure when this urban renaissance began – some pin the date on the IRA bombing in June 1996; others claim it was changing before then. But changed it most certainly has into a very cosmopolitan cityscape that is bucking the population trend with people moving into or very near the city centre, when most cities, like London, are seeing people move away.

We don’t imagine though, for one minute, that you clicked on a post by a newish Manchester kitchen respray company to read a potted summary of the city. Or perhaps you did? You hopefully clicked because your kitchen needs some tender loving care – just like Manchester did in the 80s and early 90s.

Manchester and Liverpool kitchen respray

Everyone of us in the past year have found circumstances difficult with the global pandemic and the economic problems it brought with it. Some certainty and positivity is certainly returning and we’re seeing massive demand for our kitchen respray services across Manchester and further afield.

Last week, we were in Liverpool, another city, like ours, that has seen fortunes turn and is supposedly the best place to invest in property in the UK. Rivalries to one side, we love working in Liverpool on kitchen resprays. Revitalizing tired cupboards and flaky units is our forté.

Anyway, we digress.

Wherever you are in the north west, whether you’re on Deansgate or in Didsbury, Burnage or Bolton, Liverpool or Levenshulme (we’ll stop now with the alliteration), Bryan and Lee can make your home sparkle

We assess and quote on a home or video visit, we give you a price, you pick the colours you want and we remove your units, take them to our workshop to fix and respray. You’re left without months of disruption. You don’t have to live on a building site for ages. You just have to tolerate having no doors and drawer fronts in your kitchen for a week or so. Not only is it that fast, it’s also environmentally responsible. Instead of having a mini skip for landfill at your home in Ancoats or Altrincham (last one, we promise), you are doing your bit for the world by preserving your kitchen and not replacing it.

You can see so many examples of our work on Instagram and Facebook too and if you’d like your home to be as smart as Manchester in 2021 and not the scenes from 1981, call Bryan today on: 07384574225

You won’t be disappointed with what Revitalize Resprays does with your kitchen. 


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